Remote Workforce Webinar: Staying Productive and Secure

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

As one of the largest IT solution providers in the Midwest, Network Center, Inc. (NCI) wants to ensure you have the resources to support your staff through this pandemic. With many businesses switching to an all-remote staff, it’s important now more than ever to have safety and security measures in place. 

Join us on discussing how to keep employees safe and secure with their technology as we switch to a remote workforce.

The focus of the webinar is on:

  • Experience in what we have seen, heard and implemented with deploying a remote workforce
  • Necessary technologies such as multi-factor authentication, encryption, VPN, antivirus, and other hardware
  • Security measures you should be taking with awareness, training and what policies you should have in place
  • “Security first” mentality, with a top-down approach
  • Q & A 

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